Tue 17 September 2024 04:36:41
Providing Quality Care, School Nurse+

Child-centred connection – the benefit of consistency for your school

Universal Service

Universal Health (Lower)

The universal school health service is holistic and the benefits to both school and young person are profound – happy, healthy children and young people learn, thrive and achieve. The universal service is freely available to all schools within Kingston upon Hull.

It has been well documented that healthy children attain more academically and this can accelerate the school's progress towards reaching their desired outcomes, supporting the achievement of challenging targets. The benefits for the school are manifold with the main advantage being that Heads of Schools can be confident that the child present in the classroom has been supported by a team that cares about their wellbeing.

The integrative approach of professional teaching staff and appropriately qualified health professionals delivers a fully functioning team within the school and this collaboration transmits a positive and lasting signal to young people that their wellbeing is an important aspect of their education and life beyond school.

For all Primary Schools – the School Health Team delivers:

  • Health promotion programme for each year group to include a range of topics linked to the PHSE curriculum
  • Health needs assessment/review
  • Puberty and growing-up education
  • Supporting new parent/carer's talks, open days and transition days
  • Enuresis service

For all Secondary Schools – the School Health Team delivers:

  • Health promotion activities, linked to the school's curriculum
  • A weekly dedicated day in school, to include a two hour pupil-centred drop-in
  • Mid-teen lifestyle review
  • Sexual health services
  • Support for big learning days
  • Text messaging support
  • Enuresis service

In collaboration with schools, the School Health Teams also deliver the mandatory clinical Department of Health, National Public Health Programmes which include:

  • Audiology screening
  • National Child Measurement Programme, with local proactive follow-up of children whose weight falls outside of the normal range
  • Immunisation Programmes in Year 8 – HPV and diphtheria/tetanus/polio booster

Public health programmes underpin the health of the whole population and the Hull School Health Team help reduce the impact of serious communicable diseases with their delivery of the immunisation programme. They endeavour to identify and work with children who are exposing themselves to risks which may impact on their long-term health outcomes.

"Working closely with my team in school, the school nurse is targeting persistent absentees. She is helping and advising parents and carers in school and doing home visits where necessary, offering healthcare support to bring children back into school."
- Lynne Clarke, Headteacher, Chiltern Primary School