Tue 17 September 2024 04:31:33
Providing Quality Care, School Nurse+
Emotional Health

Emotional Health

Emotional Health Data Sheet (Upper)The emotional health package is designed to help improve behaviour by working collaboratively with the discipline team within a school. The school health practitioner can make interventions and act as a catalyst to acknowledge any underlying problems the child or young person may have. This package of additional support is very much a partnership of integrated services providing links with pupils, parents (or carers) to help the school maintain acceptable levels of behaviour. The school health practitioner can address sensitive issues on a one-to-one basis with the individual and take a holistic approach towards physical and mental health, education and lifestyle choices.

Bringing problems out into the open

Childhood behavioural issues are rarely unaccompanied by deep emotional stress or turbulence, and it is the School Health team’s role to act as a catalyst to acknowledge and understand any deep-seated underlying issues a child or young person may have. Taking an empathic and non-judgemental stand point the school health practitioner will facilitate a strategy on an individual basis that will help the young person come to recognise any presenting issues. The independent and confidential role of the practitioner is often respected by the individual and can have a positive impact on the behaviour and attitudes displayed by a child or young person in school.

Anxiety and stress-managing techniques

Often stress can be dealt with by identifying trends and cultural issues within a particular school. For example bullying and heightened peer pressure can build highly stressful situations. The School Health team will apply stress managing techniques and help individuals manage their anxieties on a one-to-one basis. The school health practitioner can offer a confidential service (within safeguarding constraints) that is appropriate to the individual. The practitioner can assist the school with strategies that will help deal with exam-related stress.

Liaison between, parent, pupil and school

Providing a listening ear to an unheard child can be repaid with pattern-breaking rewards. The independent and confidential School Health service can provide the child or young person with an opportunity to be heard in the home/school setting. The school health practitioner can help address other issues such as poor parental relationships or ill-health and provide a valuable liaison between parent, child and school. Where there are known risks to emotional health such as domestic violence the school health practitioner can act as an advocate for the child or young person to ensure their needs are addressed within the bigger picture.

Links and signposting to external agencies

Referral to appropriate agencies such as the GP, Primary Mental Health Team or Family Assessment and Support Unit (FASU), and liaison with Social Care or the Looked After Children’s team can provide a ring of support for a child with complex needs. But similarly, less significant behavioural disturbance may be addressed by signposting the individual to professional counselling or services specific to the behavioural need. The CHCP CIC School Health teams are well placed to engage with or refer to the services of a huge range of specific, needs related health care professionals.

How to access School Health+

The School Health+ team will conduct a needs assessment and tailor a package of support appropriate to each individual school environment. Following this assessment a pilot (try before you buy) will be instigated where the school can evaluate the service and changes in provision can be made as necessary. Once success has been measured and the benefits recognised, a programme of one, two or three year contracts can be made available subject to individual school negotiation.

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