Sat 21 September 2024 00:37:20
Providing Quality Care, School Nurse+
Sexual Health

Sexual Health

The School Health team is made up of professional, registered nurses with arrange of additional specialist qualifications. They have extended training which includes PGCE, 7407 Adult Teaching Certificates, the National PSHE CPD Programme and Sexual and Reproductive Health Certificate Part I & II (Family Planning) as well as extensive knowledge of contraception and sexually transmitted infections. In addition to this extensive knowledge around conception, contraception and sexually transmitted infections they are able to support and encourage young people to consider the emotional and physical impact of sexual relationships and minimise risk taking behaviours, make informed choices and adopt safe and healthy lifestyles.

The aim of this package is to provide high quality sex and relationship education which meets the quality standards expected by Ofsted, delivered by experienced health practitioners in the classroom to meet the requirements of Key Stage 3 and 4 students.

This SRE delivery vehicle is a series of planned lessons, supporting materials and resources that engage young people and impart evidence-based, accurate sex and relationship health education. The lessons are a series of whole-class mind-mapping and discussions, mixed and same gender small-group work and working in pairs that achieve a balanced and inclusive approach to SRE. The services offered by CHCP CIC meet and adhere to recognised guidelines for confidentiality, data protection and safeguarding children.

Year 7; 3 lessons

Lesson 1: Relationships and friendships - managing feelings and self esteem.

Lesson 2: Recap - changes during puberty and reproduction and includes information about HPV.

Lesson 3: Periods and wet dreams

Year 8; 2 lessons

Lesson 1: Talking about Sex and Relationships, to include an overview of sexuality, assertiveness and personal safety, including internet safety, delay in sexual relationships etc.

Lesson 2: Conception and pregnancy; consequences of sexual activity, sex and the law including age of consent, an overview of contraception.

Year 9; 3 lessons

Lesson 1: Recognising and managing risk. Reasons to have sex or delay, media pressure, body image, sexual identity, homophobia and bullying.

Lesson 2: Contraception methods, who is responsible, local services, how, where and when to get help.

Lesson 3: Condoms and STIs, to include condom demonstration and practice.

Year 10; 3 lessons

Lesson 1: Contraception, accessing local and national services.

Lesson 2: Safer sex and sexually transmitted infections.

Lesson 3: Negotiation skills, recognising and responding to difficult situations including pregnancy, abortion, abuse and sexual bullying including homophobia.

All our lessons will include a number of teaching strategies to support the effective delivery of the lesson:

  • Ground Rules: Helps create a safe environment in which the students and school health practitioner will not feel embarrassed or anxious about unexpected questions or comments.
  • Distancing techniques: Avoid embarrassment and protect students’ privacy by depersonalising discussions.
  • Dealing with questions: Establishes clear parameters of what is, and what is not appropriate in a classroom setting. Ground rules should reduce the chance of inappropriate questions.
  • Discussion: Encourages learning, practises the student's social and personal skills.
  • Reflection: Encourages students to consolidate what they have learnt.

How to access School Health+

The School Health+ team will work with the school’s SRE lead and tailor an SRE package appropriate to each individual school environment recognising and acknowledging any cultural or faith-related precepts. Following this assessment a pilot (try before you buy) will be instigated where the school can evaluate the service and modify the provision as appropriate. Once success has been measured and the benefits recognised, a programme of one, two or three year contracts can be made available subject to individual school negotiation.

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