Thu 19 September 2024 04:29:46
Providing Quality Care, School Nurse+
PHSE Support

PHSE Support

PHSE Data Sheet (Upper)The PHSE support package has been developed to promote healthier lifestyles and enhanced wellbeing of school-age children and young people. The school health practitioner can make early interventions and act as a catalyst for communication with pupils, parents (and carers) and the school to help break down resistance to addressing general health promotion issues. Working in a collaborative way with both parent and young people the school health practitioner can access additional relevant health information and provide explanations and early interventions which may reduce the risk of health issues becoming problematic.

Promoting healthy lifestyles

The School Health team can facilitate the promotion of healthy lifestyles and minimise risky behaviour that can have a detrimental affect on school-life and performance. By empowering children and young people the school health practitioner can promote wellbeing and help improve attainment through attendance. These measures reflect the PHSE curriculum and support government drivers and can help address community-wide health issues. The practitioners can support national events such as No Smoking Day or Breast Cancer Awareness.

Addressing whole-school issues

Where there is an identified public health issue, such as smoking or alcohol abuse that has become prevalent within the local community, the school health practitioner can engage in specific and focused work across the school to help reduce risk-taking behaviours and promote wellbeing. The practitioner can undertake health-promotion teaching packages, health-fairs, health MOTs and other initiatives that will also help in achieving the National Healthy Schools Award.

Helping teaching staff talk about sensitive issues

It may not always be appropriate for teaching staff to deliver health promotion lessons around sensitive topics. For example; breast cancer awareness, testicular cancer self-examination, positive body image, diet and nutrition lessons can become challenging for a teacher to deliver. The School Health team is made up of qualified nurse practitioners that have experience in talking about sensitive subjects. A health professional that is independent of the school may be best-placed for this type of subject delivery.

Focused Support helping to achieve PHSE Ofsted targets

All schools are measured by Ofsted on a range of grade descriptors including achievement by pupils, quality of leadership and management and quality of teaching. The School Health team can support a school specifically towards Ofsted targets by advising on curriculum, assisting with teaching and the measurement of pupils’ attainment in this field. CHCP CIC is itself Ofsted inspected and the School Health team is trained and qualified to assist in the preparation and delivery of the Ofsted PHSE curriculum.

How to access School Health+

The School Health+ team will conduct a needs assessment and tailor a package of support appropriate to each individual school environment. Following this assessment a pilot (try before you buy) will be instigated where the school can evaluate the service and changes to provision can be made as required. Once success has been measured and the benefits recognised, a programme of one, two or three year contracts can be made available subject to individual school negotiation.

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PHSE Support

This package of additional school health practitioner support is aimed at promoting healthy...


This package of additional school health practitioner support is aimed at helping Primary Schools,...